Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Edits to Hypertext essay

Research Question: How are computer games affecting Autistic learners?

Related Questions: Are there any negative effects? What are specific examples of computer games and how have they worked? What is important information for teachers and parents to know about computer games?

Autism is a brain development disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. It is a lifelong condition that can have profoundly negative effects on an individual and their family with respect to social, economic and emotional well-being. The social and communication symptoms of Autism include delayed or unusual speech patterns, high pitched or flat intonation, lack of slang words in vocabulary, difficulty understanding tone of voice and body language as a way of expressing feelings, lack of eye contact, and the inability to take another's perspective. However, Autistic children are extremely efficient in memorizing video scripts and precisely repeating phrases directly from the script in the correct tone of the character. Autistic learners also prefer activities that require a limited amount of verbal communication.

The characteristics of Autistic learners show a great need for the use of computer games to improve their skills in many different areas. Computer games are affecting the skills of children with Autism in a positive way. They can help children with Autism learn new vocabulary, practice math skills, and improve eye-hand coordination. It enhances their capability to memorize and understand aspects, as well as allowing them to be in an area that is not crowded and doesn’t require much verbal interaction. Autistic children are enhancing their vocabulary on their own by interacting with computer games, but not being forced to do it in an open area.

The benefits of computer games in regards to Autistic children are improvement in cognitive, language, math, social, motor, and sensory processing skills. Computer games can affect cognitive skills by improving memory, problem-solving, deduction, and planning skills. The computer game Reader Rabbit, as well as Baby Bumblebee videos help increase vocabulary skills. The computer version of Bingo can help Autistic children practice counting and learn to recognize numbers. Nintendo Wii sports games help children wit their motor skills.

Two very effective computer games for children with Autism are MouseTrial's Autism Software and Facesay. MouseTrial's Autism Software is a discrete trial therapy. It is a computer program that helps children with Autism develop vocabulary, communication, concentration, cooperation, and literacy. The MouseTrial Autistim Software states, “If you click on the correct item when asked to, you get rewarded with a short, funny animation about the chosen object. If you click on the wrong item then MouseTrial flashes the correct image to give you a hint.” Autistic children tend to seclude themselves or are unable to make friends easily. They also have a hard time focusing on one specific task if they are uninterested. Autistic children usually have one or few passionate interests. MouseTrial helps Autistic learners with concentration and cooperation.

Facesay is a computer game that helps children recognize facial expressions, which is effective for improving social skills. On June 23, 2007, ScienceDaily stated, “An interactive computer software program called FaceSay™ has been shown to improve the ability of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to recognize faces, facial expressions and emotions, according to the results of a study conducted by psychologists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). The game allows children to practice facial expressions through an avatar or computer puppet.

It is important to begin the use of computer games for Autistic children at a young age. The computer games should not be outside of the age group and children should not play for more than two hours at a time. There is a lot of important information that parents and teachers should know when interacting with Autistic learners. Autistic learners are visual thinkers, they show talent in drawing, art and computer programming, they prefer typing on the computer and if the computer keyboard is placed close to the screen.

Due to the effectiveness of the use of computer games with Autistic learners it is extremely important to encourage their ability to use the computer for writing or playing educational games.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Reflection on Readings Essay Ideas


I am wondering how to fit in seven different readings to one topic. I am interested in choosing a topic that is related to my chosen profession, as well as one that is related to my hypertext essay. However, I am unsure how to complete this task. It seems hard to connect one central idea to seven readings that are very different from each other. The readings that I liked the best were flashmobs, hyper and deep attention, electronic literature, friend game, Wikipedia article, and phone novels. The produsage article was confusing to me and I don’t know if I will be able to write about an article that I do not fully understand. Some topics I can write about may involve the generation shift, how technology has affected the speed of learning or the lasting of memory, in the future will the world be completely digital, is communication becoming less personal or is it personal in a new way instead of the way it was before which as written on paper, are children being forced/obligated to understand concepts faster at an earlier age due to technology, technology allows more possibilities for growth than, technology bringing people in society together or drifting farther apart.

Class Ideas

· How concept of writing has changed
· Technology creates more autonomous learning
· how course readings changed your use of technology, understanding of technology
· how technology changes personal connections/privacy through writing
· hive mind
· impact of technology on print generation
· technology impact on print world

My Topic

How technology changes personal connections/privacy through writing. Is technology bringing people in our society closer together or forcing them to drift farther apart?


Wikipedia article 2/19
"The Key Characteristics of Produsage;" Axel Bruns 2/26
Electronic Literature 3/26
Collins, "Friend Game" 4/2
Rheingold, "Flashmobs" 2/12
Hayles, Hyper and Deep Attention 4/6
"I ♥ novels" 2/2

Some Reflections

Wikipedia article 2/19 - Edits are available for everyone to see, anyone can change it. People can edit at the same time.

"The Key Characteristics of Produsage;" Axel Bruns 2/26

Electronic Literature 3/26 - What you are reading is available to everyone else on the internet as well. you are no longer confined to your bedroom, under the covers with a flashlight type of reading.

Collins, "Friend Game" 4/2 - Writing is now a form of bullying. Myspace/facebook pages are being used to harrass people, it is less private. However, almost everyone has pages like myspace or facebook and it allows people to stay in touch at any moment.

Rheingold, "Flashmobs" 2/12 - Digital writing (text messages) allows a large group of people to be informed about a flashmob at one time. This in a sense is bringing people closer together. Big connection.

Hayles, Hyper and Deep Attention 4/6 - Digital multitasking changes the ways people write. Essays online can be seen by almost anyone. Although, it is allowing children to become familiar with doing more thing one thing at a time. (staying connected, researching) But it is less personal.

"I ♥ novels" 2/2 - text written on a phone. Can be sent to anyone.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Blog 19 - Free Blog

I am very happy that I decided to take this Writing in Cyberspace course. It has allowed me to become familiar with many new things such as, online harassment, electronic literature, blog writing, and the usefulness of technology and writing together. I am always interested while I am in class and there is always something new to learn. All of the assignments were presented clearly and I am always given enough time to complete my work.

I am eager to continue working on my hypertext essay and complete it. I think that the hypertext essay I am working on about technology for children with Autism is a great topic for my major. I will be able to have my website design to include in my portfolio or show at a job interview. It was easy for me to find resources and I have been given a lot of help.

Overall, I view this class as very beneficial and entertaining. I would recommend other students who are education, English, or even other majors to take this course because it can be something good for everyone!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Blog 18 - post a response to the following prompts to your blog

1. List the kinds of media you use/read/engage with on a daily basis. Are your choice of media + patterns for interacting with media the same or different from they wayit was when you were 5? 10? 15? etc Give short descriptions to explain.

The kinds of media I use/read/engage with on a daily basis are websites that give information about the weather, Kean University, and e-mail. I also watch the news at times or read the newspaper if I discover an event or incident that is relevant to me. At times I watch the MTV channel, which gives updates about celebreties. I listen to the radio every day while I am driving and at home as well. I also use the internet to look at radio station websites to learn about new songs that are being played on the radio.

When I was 5, I did not interact with the media that much. I was unaware of what was going on in the media because that is a very young age. By the age of 10, I was using and listening to radio stations more frequently. By the age of 15, I became familiar with almost all types of media I am currently using now.

2. Rank the relative amount of time you presently spend with each medium -- be as specific as you can.

Radio: 2-3 hours every day
Internet websites/news: 2 hours every day
Television news/shows: 1-2 hours every day, on other occasions about 5 hours.

3. Describe any media associated with how you perform the following school related tasks:

- do math or other calculation-based homework: No media
- read assignments: If they require the use of internet, I will use media.
- compose a paper (answers may be different for drafting, revising + editing): Almost always use internet media for this task. I look at websites to gain better information or look at ideas from other sources.
- study for an exam: No media usually.
- conduct research / find references: Always use internet media. I use the Kean Library to look at journal articles, news websites, ect.

4. Describe any media associated with how you do the following everyday tasks:

drive: I always listen to the Radio or my ipod when I am driving.
eat a meal by yourself: I usually am on the computer, watching television, or listening to the radio.
eat with your family/friends: Sometimes watching television.
household chores (cooking, cleaning, household repairs, work on your car): I listen to the radio and sometimes have the television on.

5. Describe what you do to relax or in your free time - and how you relax(e.g. watching TV while looking at a magazine and texting a friend)

In my free time, I watch TV, talk on the phone, use the internet for Facebook/Myspace/AIM/e-mail, text my friends, listen to the radio or my ipod. While I am relaxing I am almost always in my room. At times I do several of the tasks at one time (e.g. watching tv and talk on the phone, on the computer and listening to music).

Analyzing your patterns for attention:

a. Patterns of attention for individual activities:

- do math or other calculation-based homework: 1
- read assignments: 1
- compose a paper (answers may be different for drafting, revising + editing): 2
- study for an exam: 2
- conduct research / find references: 1
- drive: 2
- eat a meal by yourself: 5
- eat with your family/friends: 2
- household chores (cooking, cleaning, household repairs, work on your car): 5
- watching TV: 3
- talking on the phone: 3
- listening to music: 3

b. Patterns of attending within activity clusters:

1+1+2+2+1+2+5+2+5+3+3+3= 30

c. Overall pattern for attention. Average all the rating numbers to get your overall pattern for attending.

30/12 = 2.5

6 Questions to think about.

a. In which category were you most likely to use hyper attention? in which category were you most likely to use deep attention? Or do you seem to have a consistent style (all hyper or deep attention)? How would you explain this?

I was most likely to use hyper attention in areas such as eating by myself and doing household chores. I was most likely to use deep attention in areas that deal with school work. I don't have a consistent style when it comes to attention. It seems that I am directly in the middle. I use hyper and deep attention at different times in different areas.

b. In which category was there the largest range of numbers ( for example, some activities rated 1, some rated 5). Can you explain why the range might be large for this category?

The activites that had the largest range was school classwork, which was at a level 1, however when I am doing chores or relaxing I use hyper attention, which received a 5.

c. In which category did you have the most consistent style? Why do you think this is so?

I had the most consistent style when it came to acitivites that took place at home, such as chores, watching tv, texting, and on the computer for leisure.

7. How would you characterize yourself in terms of patterns for attending? Do these numbers reflect how you would characterize yourself (in terms of attention)? What correlations or inconsistencies do you see between your feeling about how you think and these numbers? Can you explain them?

After calculating my score, which was a 2.5, it seems that I have a balance between hyper and deep attention. However, most of the time I seem to have hyper attention. There is not many times where I am only concentrating on one specific task at one time, but I am still able to do tasks efficiently. I have become used to completing taks, where I am engaged in other activites. When I am trying to complete a research assignment or compose a paper is one of the specific times where I can only concentrate on that task without any distractions. I also find that when completing homework, I work best at night or whenever there are no other people in the household.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hayles' Hyper and Deep Attention Presentation

"We are in the midst of a generational shift in cognitive styles that poses challenges to education at all levels, including colleges and universities."

  • Shift is already present in college students.
  • Effects will be fully present when 12 year old children reach higher education.

Hyper Attention and the Challenge to Higher Education

  • University of Southern California, under the direction of Scott Fisher.
  • Laboratory that experiments with new methods to provide greater stimulation.
  • 14 large screens on the walls for display space.


  • Google Jockeying: Speaker makes presentation, participants search the web for appropriate content to display on screens (e.g. examples, definitions, images, other views).
  • Backchanneling: Speaker makes presentation, participants write comments and notes.

Participant Feedback

  • Backchanneling: "The speaker function becomes more about seeding ideas and opening up discussion."
  • Share responsibility of comments.
  • Challenges the audience to pay attention, speaker to hold attention, and interact towards a shared goal.

Other Experiements

  • The Education of Henry Adams: Dry wit, historical details, demands deep attention.
  • Self-presentation at Facebook introduction to help anaylze text and assign students to compose Facebook enteries for the book's ironic persona.
  • Computer game Riven: Five islands where brothers compete for dominance.
  • Access to narrative can be gained by solving games puzzles.
  • William Faulkner's novel Absalon, Absalon!: Solving puzzles of identity, motivation, and desire.
  • Emily Short's Galatea: Engage the artificial intelligience in realistic conversation to understand her backstory, motivations, and pyschology.
  • Richard Power's Galatea: Use the interactions of the protagonist with the artifical intelligence Helen to understand his backstory, motivations, and pyschology.
  • "These differences notwithstanding, the challenge implicit in both works is for the reader or player to understand the personae through narration, a perspective that brings into view common ground between hyper and deep attention.

Blog 17 - Revised Hypertext Essay

Research Question: How are computer games affecting Autistic learners?

Related Questions: Are there any negative effects? What are specific examples of computer games and how have they worked? What is important information for teachers and parents to know about computer games?

Autism is a brain development disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. It is a lifelong condition that can have profoundly negative effects on an individual and their family with respect to social, economic and emotional well-being. Computer games are affecting the skills of children with Autism in a positive way. They can help children with Autism learn new vocabulary, practice math skills, and improve eye-hand coordination.

The benefits of computer games in regards to Autistic children are improvement in cognitive, language, math, social, motor, and sensory processing skills. Computer games can affect cognitive skills by improving memory, problem-solving, deduction, and planning skills. The computer game Reader Rabbit, as well as Baby Bumblebee videos help increase vocabulary skills. The computer version of Bingo can help Autistic children practice counting and learn to recognize numbers. Nintendo Wii sports games help children wit their motor skills.

Two very effective computer games for children with Autism are MouseTrial's Autism Software and Facesay. MouseTrial's Autism Software is a discrete trial therapy. It is a computer program that helps children with Autism develop vocabulary and communication. Facesay is a computer game that helps children recognize facial expressions, which is effective for improving social skills.

It is important to begin the use of computer games for Autistic children at a young age. The computer games should not be outside of the age group and children should not play for more than two hours at a time.

A great interaction tool for teachers and Autistic students is the Robota game.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blog 16 - Draft Hypertext Essay

Blog 16: Write a draft for the text for your hypertext essay. Don't worry about getting all your facts/references right or using polished language. You have permission to do a big, messy draft - a much writing as you can get down.

Research Question: Are computer games affecting the skills of children with Autism positively?

Related Questions: Are there any negative effects? What are specific examples of computer games and how have they worked? What is important information for teachers and parents to know about computer games?

Autism is a brain development disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.

Autism speaks:
Autism is a lifelong condition that can have profoundly negative effects on an individual and their family with respect to social, economic and emotional well-being.

MouseTrial's autism software - discrete trial therapy

MouseTrial's autism software is a computer program that helps children with Autism develop vocabulary and communcation.

Do's and Don'ts for Autistic children using computer games

- Start children at a young age (Jump Start, Reader Rabbit, and Leap Ahead)
- Don't play outside of age group
- Include other games aside from educational ones
- Don't play for more than an hour or two at a time


Computer game that helps children recognize facial expressions

Computer and electronic games: Computer games can help children with autism in educational areas such as learning new vocabulary, practicing math skills or improving eye-hand coordination. Both educational computer games developed for autistic and non-autistic children are appropriate.

Benefits of computer games include improvement in:

- Cognitive skills: Games can assist memory, problem-solving, deduction and planning skills (computer version of Pictionary).
- Language skills: Many games can improve vocabulary skills (the computer game, Reader Rabbit and Baby BumbleBee videos also help increase vocabulary).
- Math skills: Children can practice counting, learn to recognize number and engage in math with game play (computer versions of Bingo are examples of games that improve math skills).
- Social skills: Games with multiple players encourage social skills and communication skills (Facesay).
- Motor skills: Nintendo Wii sports games.
- Sensory Processing skills

Educational Views:

More examples of computer games and benefits:

Teacher interaction:
Teacher and Autistic child interact in a Robota game.

Examples of tips for teachers dealing with children with Autism.

Autism is a brain development disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.