Sunday, April 5, 2009

Blog 17 - Revised Hypertext Essay

Research Question: How are computer games affecting Autistic learners?

Related Questions: Are there any negative effects? What are specific examples of computer games and how have they worked? What is important information for teachers and parents to know about computer games?

Autism is a brain development disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. It is a lifelong condition that can have profoundly negative effects on an individual and their family with respect to social, economic and emotional well-being. Computer games are affecting the skills of children with Autism in a positive way. They can help children with Autism learn new vocabulary, practice math skills, and improve eye-hand coordination.

The benefits of computer games in regards to Autistic children are improvement in cognitive, language, math, social, motor, and sensory processing skills. Computer games can affect cognitive skills by improving memory, problem-solving, deduction, and planning skills. The computer game Reader Rabbit, as well as Baby Bumblebee videos help increase vocabulary skills. The computer version of Bingo can help Autistic children practice counting and learn to recognize numbers. Nintendo Wii sports games help children wit their motor skills.

Two very effective computer games for children with Autism are MouseTrial's Autism Software and Facesay. MouseTrial's Autism Software is a discrete trial therapy. It is a computer program that helps children with Autism develop vocabulary and communication. Facesay is a computer game that helps children recognize facial expressions, which is effective for improving social skills.

It is important to begin the use of computer games for Autistic children at a young age. The computer games should not be outside of the age group and children should not play for more than two hours at a time.

A great interaction tool for teachers and Autistic students is the Robota game.

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